Cross Compliance Penalties- Verifiable Standards Published

If an inspector finds something wrong, they use a set of standards called verifiable standards which can help them to assess the seriousness of the breach. Depending on the nature of the breach, you may get a penalty which means your payment(s) will be reduced.

You can view a copy of the verifiable standards by clicking here or you can request a copy of the standards by contacting the RPA directly – contact details as well as further information on  verifiable standards are available here.

The RPA's ‘Guide to Cross Compliance in England 2015’, and supplementary ‘Cross Compliance in England: Soil Protection Standards 2015’ booklet and 4 appendices can be viewed here.

Further information about penalties can also be viewed in the Basic Payment Scheme in England 2015 Handbook, available here.


Cross Compliance – What Has Changed under BPS 2015

BPS Cross Compliance Dates 2015

Know Your Cap Dates