How to Back British dairy farming this Christmas

Milk with back British Farming logo_24857

We are aware that some retailers go above and beyond what is expected from legislation, and we support this as it gives the consumers a clearer idea of origin, enabling them to support British dairy farmers.

Read our simple guide of how to support our British dairy sector this Christmas.

Red Tractor Logo_17041Logos are the easiest way of knowing the produce you are buying is British; the easiest being the Red Tractor logo.  A British flag within the Red Tractor logo guarantees British.

 The Red Tractor logo guarantees the products you are buying have been produced in Britain to a set of standards which are the highest welfare and environmental standards in Europe.

100 per cent british labelling_31887Some packaging also states a product to be “100% British”.  This is very clear labelling & guarantees the consumer British provenance.

Be careful - Many products will also display the health mark on the packaging. This only indicates where the product has been packed, not what country of origin the ingredients have been sourced from.

rhubarb yoghurt labelling, BAck British farming, health mark NOT provenance_31889


Labelling can be sometimes tricky to understand.  Reading where the product was packed can be different to where the ingredients have been sourced from.

This image of cheese is a good example of how complex labelling can be:

cheese labelling

Cream labellingSome packaging might not have a logo on the front, but do check the back, as it might clearly state the origin as this example shows.

Point of Sale mislabelling  is very important to show consumers they support British farming by decorating shelf space with British flags, banners, posters and advertising, but be careful not to assume all products under these signs are 100% British.

If you can’t find a clear image that the product has been made with British milk ask your retailer why they are not supporting the British dairy industry with clear labelling.