Gardeners' World pond comments: Our view

Guy Smith_119_180

He wrote:

Farm pond_275_184

'I must ask for a correction to a statement made by Gardeners’ World presenter Monty Don, in last week’s programme. (BBC2, Episode 5, Friday April 3).

'In the section on ponds, he said that it was ‘becoming more and more important for gardeners to create ponds as we have lost almost all of the natural ponds that used to be on farmland all over the country – they have just disappeared’.

'As the lead presenter of a flagship BBC programme on gardening, and an accepted expert in his field, the comments made by Monty Don will be taken as fact by the viewer. In this case Monty Don’s comments were not correct nor did they paint an accurate portrayal of ponds on farmland across England and Wales.

'There are government statistics on this topic. According to Defra, the number of ponds on farmland increased by 18 per cent between 1984 and 2007, to an estimated 234,000.

'Much has been done by farmers and the farming sector to make big improvements in how they manage land and make room for wildlife. Particularly over the last 15 to 20 years, farming has worked hard on its stewardship of the countryside.

'Just to outline our own environmental consciousness, the NFU is one of the founders of the Campaign for the Farmed Environment, an industry-led initiative to help guide farmers on the benefits of voluntary land management activity to help replace the benefits of set-aside. The NFU, alongside the CLA, Defra, Environment Agency, Natural England and other organisations such as the RSPB, are key partners. Through the Campaign, many farmers are taking voluntary action to support farmland birds and some 450,000 ha is being managed voluntarily in an environmentally friendly way.

'Please can this be corrected at the earliest opportunity. I look forward to your reply.'