Letter: Farmers take pride in their animal welfare



Britain’s farmers take the health and welfare of their animals very seriously (Liz Jones, Mail on Sunday, 18 January), which is why this country has been given the highest rank for welfare by associations such as World Animal Protection.

A very small percentage of the country’s herd is zero grazed, and those animals, in addition to cattle that are housed for protection during severe weather, experience high standards of husbandry. Also, over 90 per cent of dairy production is Red Tractor Assured, monitoring standards on farm. There are rigorous regulations and inspections that British farmers are subject to in order to continue to operate and, indeed, qualify for the support Ms Jones mentions.

Farmers in this country operate to the highest standards of animal welfare and we would deeply condemn any situation where this was not the case.


Yours faithfully,


Minette Batters
NFU Deputy President