Ideas into action at the RUMA conference

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Do you know what RUMA is and does?

Titled ‘Ideas into Action’, the conference will address four key subjects from both an animal and human medicine perspective:

  • What do we mean by Responsible Use?
  • What influences Responsible Use?
  • Measuring and Monitoring Medicine use
  • How do we communicate what we are doing?

The conference will have an interactive format with plenty of opportunities for delegates to engage in Q&A sessions with speakers and panellists which include Chief Veterinary Officer Nigel Gibbens, Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies and Chief Scientific Advisor to the FSA Professor Guy Poppy. Joining them will be leading representatives from the livestock sector, CEO of the VMD Professor Pete Borriello, Consultant in Infectious Disease, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Professor Chris Conlon and Mr John Blackwell, Senior Vice President of BVA.

Take a look at the conference programme for the full line-up of speakers

Interested in attending?

To register interest in attending the RUMA conference email RUMA (cnVtYWNvbmZlcmVuY2VAZ21haWwuY29t) or call Jenny Townsend 0208 367 3131. A full programme and booking form will then be sent out.

Date: 3 November 2015
Location: Sainsbury’s Conference Centre, Holborn, London
Cost: £95 (no VAT)
More information on the RUMA website.

RUMA is a unique initiative involving organisations representing every stage of the "farm to fork" process. It aims to promote the highest standards of food safety, animal health and animal welfare in the British livestock industry. The NFU is a proud and active member of RUMA.