Guardian badger cull story - NFU response

Calves with bovine TB in Cornwall, TB Free England

The story, which is based on information from unnamed Guardian sources, claims it is intended that culling will start in June or July next year. The licences for the pilot culls, which have been in place since culling started in 2013, have always allowed culling to start from June 1. This was based on the advice of wildlife experts.

An NFU spokesman said: “The terms of the existing four-year licences mean that culling can begin from June 1. This has always been the case. The licensed companies then make a decision on when they want to start operations after June 1. We are not aware that any decision has been made as yet about the timings of next year’s cull and we would not expect a decision to have been made at this stage. We have explained this to the Guardian and are surprised to see this running as a story given that nothing has changed in this regard.

“The NFU remains convinced that the current pilot culls will help deliver a reduction of TB in cattle in the two areas and it is vital that they are allowed to be successfully completed so they can achieve the maximum benefit. We also remain committed to seeing badger culling rolled out to other areas where bTB is endemic to help control and eradicate this terrible disease, which continues to devastate the lives of farming families.”