DairyCo offer consultation support to dairy farmers

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With this in mind DairyCo is offering consultation support is to help levy payers define an approach for the coming weeks and months. 

The consultant support offer is designed to enable levy payers to understand what is going to happen and when with their businesses finances.

Half day one to one with a consultant to:

  • Start a cash-flow forecast looking immediately at the major income and expenditure

- This will require a milk forecast to be done based on calving pattern

- Assess when/if borrowing limits will be exceeded; what will the peak borrowing be

  • Assessment of what immediate measures can be taken to alleviate pressure on the cash demands of the business and signposting to tools and organisations that could help in these areas

- Leave you with a list of creditors to call or immediate changes to make over the next couple of days.

Off farm the consultant will:

  • Prepare a full cash-flow with profit and loss account & balance sheet

- This will be compared with latest accounts to check robustness of the cash-flow budget

  • Produce short written report with summary, recommendations & budget assumptions for use with lenders
  • Follow up telephone call to discuss next steps

Please visit DairyCo’s website for more information and to see who’s eligible for the offer.