NFU's response to Asda milk price cut

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However, this news will come as a huge blow to the dairy industry as they’re cutting the price of four pints of fresh skimmed, semi skimmed and whole milk to a staggeringly low 89p.

On a more positive note, Muller-Wiseman has announced that they will be holding their current milk price for February.

The NFU dairy board have responded by saying: “The whole NFU dairy board is incredibly angry and frustrated to see that Asda has followed over retailers in dropping the price of 4 pints of milk to 89p in store. This has a continued detrimental impact on the dairy industry by devaluing a high quality product that farmers work tirelessly to produce year round.”

“We are pleased to see that Muller-Wiseman has held their milk price for February, amongst a backdrop of price cuts. However, this still holds the milk price at an unprofitable level and it is vital that all processors continue to communicate their plans with farmer representatives in order to end further damage to the dairy industry.”

For more information please see the article in The Grocer.