NFU statement on Defra farm payments decision

guy smith with computer and papers, bps_275_183

Farmers Weekly states that “The partial relaxation of rules by Brussels means member states can pay up to 70% of individual direct payments to farmers from 16 October – some six weeks earlier than the start of the payment window, which usually opens on 1 December.

“But Defra and the devolved administrations have each now ruled out payments before 1 December – although other EU member states may do so.”

The article also quotes RPA chief executive Mark Grimshaw as saying they were not in a position to pay before December 1.

NFU comment:

NFU Vice President Guy Smith said: “We are very disappointed in this decision and no doubt our members will be too. Defra needs to be transparent and clear about how it has made this decision and why it cannot do so.

“This decision makes it even more crucial that it stays on track with its existing commitment to paying the majority in December and the “vast majority” by the end of January.

“The NFU and its members will not be forgiving if it fails to take advantage of an advance option and then fails to deliver on the main payment.

“We also need clarity over agri-environment payments. Normally these are paid in two equal parts, but as the RPA is in a position to pay the first instalment in October we expect it to use the Commission’s offer of allowing a first payment of 85%.
“We will continue to closely scrutinise progress to ensure the RPA remains on track to start payments in December with the majority paid by the end of December and the vast majority by the end of January.”