Our community spaces have been created so that members can help shape our NFU policy.
Comments made in this space are not necessarily endorsed by the NFU and the person using the account must be a Farmer and Grower member.
If you have any pressing matters that require immediate assistance NFU CallFirst are here to help.
Please do
- share your opinions by commenting on our stories
- stay on topic and keep it relevant
- remember you are responsible for what you write on the community
- be respectful, civil and inclusive of others
- look out for the rest of the community and flag any concerning content
- contact your community team if you have any concerns.
Please don’t
- use the community if you are under 13
- impersonate others
- be disrespectful to other community members
- use language that is defamatory, derogatory, threatening or offensive
- use the names of NFU staff or other members in your posts
- spread misinformation, troll or share copyrighted content
- share personal and private information
- post anything that would violate agreements or competition law.
All members are bound by our Community’s Terms and conditions (see below).
All comments are subject to the NFU Moderation Policy.
Flagging inappropriate content
If you recognise any violation of these guidelines or our Community Terms of Use, please notify your NFU Community team.
Get the detail of these guidelines in our Community terms and conditions.
When you registered you agreed to our community guidelines and terms of use.
Please read our: