The SFI (Sustainable Farming Incentive) will pay farmers to adopt and maintain sustainable farming practices that can protect and enhance the natural environment alongside food production, and also support farm productivity, optimising the use of inputs and making better use of natural resources.
The Sustainable Farming Incentive contains actions that most farmers can undertake across the whole farmed landscape. This includes reducing inorganic fertiliser and pesticide use, taking care of our soils and improving farmland biodiversity, water quality, air quality and carbon sequestration.
For more information on SFI, visit our guidance at: SFI — scheme guidance and information.
Farmers have flexibility to choose the combination of actions that works for their farm. The SFI actions are less prescriptive (e.g. removal of dates for actions to be undertaken, wider eligibility, removal of area restrictions) and allow farmers to decide how to achieve the action’s aims.
Applications have been suspended while Defra develops a ‘reformed and more targeted’ offer. More news will follow the outcome of the Spending Review.
Countryside Stewardship provides financial incentives for farmers to look after and improve the environment. The Higher Tier agreements will be bespoke, developed with the input of Natural England or Forestry Commission advice.
Agreements will vary in length from 5 to 20 years.
Find out more by reading our guide to Countryside Stewardship: Information on Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier.
Landscape Recovery will pay landowners or managers who want to take a more radical and large-scale approach to producing environmental and climate outcomes through land use change and habitat and ecosystem restoration.
To date, there have been two calls for bids to develop landscape recovery projects. There will be a further round.
You can find out more by visiting: Everything you need to know about the Landscape Recovery scheme.
Private funding
Defra aims to support private finance and is designing the ELM schemes, so they dovetail with private schemes and markets.
Currently private finance is allowed on SFI agreement land, subject to conditions.
Find out more at: Environmental markets – are they right for you?