Woodland Creation Grants

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Woodland Carbon Fund - Receive up to £6,800 per hectare to create new woodland or up to £8,500 per hectare if you provide permissive access across the woodland (dependent on its location).

Woodland Creation Planning Grant - A Woodland Creation Planning Grant contributes towards the costs of gathering and analysing the information needed to ensure that proposals for productive multi-purpose woodland take account of any impacts on: biodiversity, landscape, water, the historic environment and local stakeholders.

Countryside Stewardship - Woodland Creation - Funding is available to help create new woodland as part of Countryside Stewardship. Grants of up to £6,800 per hectare are available to assist with the planting of new woodland that helps to meet environmental objectives. If you are applying you must ensure you have submitted a completed application and supporting documents to Natural England Technical Services by midnight on 16 February 2018. To help you with your application Forestry Commission have put together some  hints and tips for completing it.

HS2 Woodland Fund  - The HS2 Woodland Fund provides grant payments for restoring plantations on ancient woodland sites (PAWS) and/or creating new native woodland. Funding is available for a range of capital items, paying 100% of the associated standard cost, with a maintenance payment also available for woodland creation.

Free advice and support from the Forestry Commission

More information and support is available from Forestry Commission teams, who can provide individual, tailored expert advice. Please contact your local woodland officer.