NFU and Network Rail team up to remind farmers to stay safe

Farm level crossing_42616

Farmers can use the new S.A.F.E.R reminder to make sure they’re keeping safe when crossing the rail network. The five points remind farmers to:

Speak – If there is a phone, speak to the signaller before and after you cross
Access – Open both gates before crossing and always close them after you
Follow – Check and follow the signs and signals every time you cross
Everyone – Check everyone knows these instructions to get across safely, every time
Responsibility – It’s your legal responsibility to ensure your workers and family comply

NFU Vice President Guy Smith said: “For farmers, crossings are a crucial way to access their land. We are delighted to have the opportunity to work alongside Network Rail to improve safety at level crossings.

“We appreciate farmers are often under pressure during busy periods, but would urge them to be extra vigilant, ensuring that all safety procedures are followed strictly and all workers on their farms are well informed.

“We recognise the importance of such a campaign and hope that our members will be better informed as a result.”

Together, the NFU and Network Rail have produced a 3D video which can show the pitfalls of poor safety on a level crossing. 

Farm safety on the farm is critical all year round and it is important that farmers follow the guidelines, making sure not to take shortcuts. 

Members are able to contact their local level crossing safety managers to organise a site visit to maximise safety on their farm.