An introduction to the planning system in England


Please note that this guidance is intended to be used for general information purposes only, is not intended to be a definitive guide to the law and cannot be a substitute for independent advice. NFU members can obtain free initial legal and professional advice from NFU CallFirst on 0370 845 8458.

Most farmers will encounter the planning system when they expand or diversify their business or when they are wanting to access grants or loans. This Guide is an introduction to the complexities of the English town planning system and how you may need to seek planning permission when you are proposing to erect farm buildings or carry out other works on farm.

It is intended as a starting point only, so you can understand the system better. It is always recommended that you seek professional advice before embarking on any project.

This Guide will briefly cover how the town planning system works and covers the following topics:

  1. How and when to apply: an explanation of the different types of planning permission, restrictions, and timescales
  2. The development management process
  3. Planning in protected landscapes
  4. How the decision-making process works and
  5. Where to find further information