NFU responds to government White Papers on trade and customs

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The NFU has responded to the government’s White Papers on trade and customs.

NFU response to the government paper 'Preparing for our future UK trade policy'

NFU response to the government paper on the Customs Bill

Lucia Zitti, NFU adviser on EU exit and international trade, said: "We have taken this opportunity to share our views on the key issues highlighted in the government’s communications that are going to impact the farming sector. In particular, we have been calling for a new, comprehensive relationship with the EU to be put in place to allow as free and frictionless trade as possible.

"As to trade with the rest of the world, we call on the government to establish cooperation with third countries on regulatory equivalence and ensure that all new trade agreements account for differences in regulations and standards when market access is negotiated so that UK farmers are not put at a competitive disadvantage to overseas producers subject to different standards.”