NFU President visits US for trade and business talks

President of the American Farm Bureau Federation Zippy Duvall and NFU President Minette Batters_72085

NFU President Minette Batters has visited Washington D.C. as part of the CBI's B7 delegation to meet US officials and trade experts, as well as American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall.

The B7 is the business side of the G7 process, representing the business world of the G7 countries and providing the business view on major economic issues.

During the visit, Mrs Batters reiterated the NFU’s objective to ensure that any future trade deals don't undermine the UK’s high standards of sustainable, high welfare and climate-friendly farming, and should require the same high standards from any food entering our shores.

Also taking part in the two days of meetings were Gail Soutar from the NFU's EU exit and international trade team and the CBI Director General Carolyn Fairburn, who is also lined up to speak at NFU Conference later this month.

:: Look out for more on the delegation in the April edition of your British Farmer & Grower magazine.

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