View from the President: Brexit, labour, Tesco and Lord Plumb

meurig raymond on his farm, serious, june 2016_35511

NFU President Meurig Raymond writes:

Together we’ve written to every MP to explain the benefit of our industry to local economies and employment levels. Nearly 200 MPs and peers pledged their support on Back British Farming Day. And at the party political conferences, where we teamed up with the Food and Drink Federation, we made our case to front bench ministers from both sides of the house. All in all it is fair to say we received huge support for our Back British Farming campaign and the importance of the production of top quality British Red Tractor food.

In talks with Defra Secretary Michael Gove, I was pleased to hear him say that he understood the NFU’s proposals for a future domestic agricultural policy and state they were an excellent framework for further discussions. He wished to see more investment on British farms whether it be capital investment or investment in people.

However, the Brexit deadline of March 2019 is fast approaching and we still await a clear vision from the UK Government on its future plans for British farming and a strategic food and farming plan which would encourage farmers and create confidence for them to invest in their businesses for the future.

Our Brexit meetings with AHDB have attracted hundreds of members as our teams of EU farming policy experts set out the vision for agriculture as well as the demands we all have from the government. My huge thanks to everyone who has been involved in these meetings.

The very difficult harvest in certain parts of the country should concentrate policymakers’ minds as well as reminding the whole supply chain of the need for a secure supply of British produce.

The ongoing debate on whether to re-authorise glyphosate continues. The politics and emotion around this is unbelievable and I cannot understand why sound science should not have determined the re-licensing many months ago. I find it incredible, when soil fertility is on everyone’s agenda, that we could lose the very tool that allows farmers to use techniques such as no-till or min-till. Members’ work on Twitter has definitely influenced our policy makers and I am pleased that the UK Government remains supportive of re-authorisation.

glyphosate sprayer rainbow floral margin mix web crop_42736I was delighted that Tesco signed the NFU Fruit and Veg Pledge, and this must mean more fresh British produce on their shelves in future. The concern on the availability of seasonal and permanent non-British labour becomes more acute, and if we are to increase production then our government needs to recognise the requirements of the farming, horticulture and food sectors. The need to employ competent people to carry out these skilled tasks is vital as these jobs are not what most commentators call “unskilled”. I wish to thank everyone who responded to our labour survey as it is important to gather as much evidence as possible.

There is so much going on within our fantastic organisation that I often run out of space to mention it all. But there are a few important messages I must get across.

Firstly, may I take the opportunity to pass on my heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in very successful TB controls this autumn. Your ongoing commitment and determination in eradicating this disease has inspired us all. Many happy returns to our LAS scheme on achieving 30 years of excellent service to our members. So many members have called on the LAS scheme for justice, and £21.5m has been allocated to help them with their causes. Some of these cases have even changed UK farming policy.

I was most honoured to have heard Lord Plumb address the House of Lords in his valedictory speech. His retirement from the Upper House marks 30 years of exemplary service where he has always argued the case for British farming. He has been an inspiration to us all and I am delighted that he will introduce the first of our Annual Henry Plumb lectures on November 20. These lectures will be a lasting legacy for what ‘our Henry’ has achieved over the past 50 years. May I wish Henry and Marjorie a happy retirement. You both deserve a quiet period in your lives.

Content from the NFU's British Farmer & Grower magazine. Find out more about our award-winning publications here.