John Marland
NFU Tenants' Forum chairAlong with his position as Tenants' Forum chair, John is also the chair of FiPL (Farming in Protected Landscapes) for the High Weald AONB now National Landscape.
John was born and raised on the family dairy farm in Lancashire. He studied Agriculture in Lancashire and Estate Management at Merrist Wood in Surrey. He now farms in Sussex with his wife Sue with whom he has three grown up daughters.
He secured an AHA Tenancy in the late 1980s and owns his own farm. Both farms are primarily arable and are entered into Countryside Stewardship and now SFI. John has soil types ranging from brickearth over gravel to traditional weald clay.
John’s interests and experience span many sectors, dairy, beef, sheep and arable, always with conservation and nature in mind.
He has been a keen member of the NFU sitting on the Livestock and Wool Board Committee over 35 years ago and now currently as the chair of the NFU National Tenant’s Forum, having represented the South East for the last seven years.