Kathryn Hart

Kathryn Hart

NFU Next Generation Forum appointee, Wales

Kat was raised in the cow shed in her family farm over in Wales and she now farms alongside her husband and sons near Bristol, with a 50 cow herd of Angus cattle, a small flock of sheep, no dig market garden and a farm shop.

Kat joined the George Farm Vets in September 2011 after studying at Bristol University Vet School, where she also achieved a degree in microbiology.

Kat is interested in all areas of farm practice but her particular passion is dairy youngstock rearing and sustainability. Kat achieved her Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Cattle) and currently sits on the board of the British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA).

Kat's work is driven by knowledge which she applies practically to her own farm, as well as being lead in Cultivate CPD training, a skills development service for farmers and farm vets.