Louise Staples

Senior Rural Surveyor

Louise joined the NFU in 2010 as the Rural Surveyor after being in private practice where she spent eight years in Northumberland. She qualified as a chartered surveyor with George F White at Alnwick followed by five years in private estate management for Clark Scott-Harden.

She moved back down to the family farm in Worcestershire in 2003 and worked for Carver Knowles and then John Amos carrying out a variety of professional rural work specialising in the Single Payment Scheme, agricultural valuations and rural grant applications in Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.

Louise leads on tenancy issues for the NFU across England and Wales and she advises the NFU Tenants Forum on tenant related issues and has been involved in the latest response to the Government’s Call for Evidence in improving behaviours between parties and the call for a Tenant Farmer Commissioner, holding meetings in the regions to gain members views. Farm Tenancy Forum work is ongoing.

Louise covers infrastructure and compulsory purchase for NFU members particularly on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Schemes. She has been involved with HS2 since it started giving evidence to the Select Committee on behalf of all farmers on Phase 1, Phase 2a and 2b. She has represented NFU members and helped many agents acting to present evidence at oral hearings for infrastructure schemes applying for a development consent order and negotiated many voluntary heads of terms.

Louise is the current chair and member of the Herefordshire & Worcestershire branch of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers.