Speaking after the vote, NFU Deputy President Meurig Raymond said the vote settled once and for all the political debate and that the two badger cull pilot areas should continue unhindered.
“Today’s vote is a ringing endorsement of the comprehensive strategy to bear down on TB and rid our countryside of this disease,” he said. “Farmers are doing all they can to help prevent TB in cattle through rigorous testing of cattle, movement controls and biosecurity measures.
“But as many MPs said in today’s debate, until we have a comprehensive strategy that bears down on the disease in wildlife, this disease will continue to run out of control.
“The two pilot culls taking place this year are an essential step in delivering this comprehensive plan and must be allowed to proceed without interference.”
Today’s debate followed a motion tabled by the Opposition arguing that the badger cull should not go ahead. This motion was rejected by a clear majority of MPs.
To find out more about TB visit the TB Free England website.