NFU hails domestic Renewable Heat Incentive


While many farmers and growers have already installed renewable heating such as biomass boilers and heat pumps under the non-domestic RHI scheme, launched in November 2011, the arrival of a domestic scheme is expected to raise public awareness and give a boost to suppliers and installers.

Some NFU members may also be able to benefit directly from renewable heating in their own farmhouses, subject to a ‘Green Deal’ assessment process.

The domestic RHI incentivises households to supply themselves with heating and/or hot water using new renewable heating equipment (solar hot water, wood fuel heating and heat pumps).

RHI payments are made quarterly for a period of 7 years. 

There are three million homes in Britain not on the gas network, many in rural areas, and these are expected to benefit the most from RHI support.

'Legacy' applicants, who installed a renewable heating system after the original government announcement of the RHI in July 2009, are also eligible to receive support even if they have already received a Renewable Heat Premium Payment.


The NFU Farm Energy Service is ready to provide advice to members interested in renewable heating - call the hotline on 0870 844 5700.