Bovine TB: Edge Area earned recognition

Dairy cows at Joel Beckett's farm_59115

In January 2018, changes were made to the Edge Area boundaries and counties that were previously split between Edge and HRA were incorporated fully into the Edge Area. Changes were also made to routine surveillance testing in some Edge Area counties.

All cattle herds in the high bovine TB incidence counties of Cheshire, Oxfordshire, and Warwickshire and in parts of Berkshire, Hampshire and Derbyshire are subject to routine six-monthly surveillance testing.

From May 2019 cattle herds in these parts of the Edge Area will be eligible for annual surveillance testing if they meet either of the following criteria:

  • the herd has been in existence for at least six years and has not had a TB breakdown in that six year period. A single break from keeping cattle of less than four months during the six year period is permitted

  • the herd is registered to a bovine TB health scheme accredited under the Cattle Health Certification Standards (CHeCS) at level 1 or above

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