On 28 October, Red Tractor announced there will be an industry-wide derogation on the temporary storage deadline for grain destined for animal feed, biofuel, export and non-food users, extending the previous deadline from 31 October, up to and including 15 November. Scheme members will still be required to adhere to the Red Tractor protocols for temporary storage and continue to meet the standards required.
For grain destined for human consumption, the temporary storage deadline remains as 31 October 2021.
Any temporary storage required after 31 October 2021 for human food use, and after 15 November 2021 for all other uses, will require a further derogation which will need to be applied for through your certification body, and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, please contact your certification body for more information.
More information
Under Red Tractor standards, temporary stores can only be used for the storage of crops until the 31 October. Make sure that you pre-empt any problems and have plans in place.
This is especially important this year with the on-going driver shortages and other recent pressures affecting supply chain businesses.
Plan ahead
We are reminding farmers to plan ahead and keep in regular contact with your local merchant, co-op or buyer, making sure they’re aware of any stocks that will require movement before November.
Before problems occur
In exceptional circumstances, where movement cannot be completed by the end of October, a derogation can be sought to allow your grain to continue to be assured.
If you feel you may require a derogation for your grain, make sure you contact your certification body as soon as possible to discuss your options.