Red Tractor standards consultation

01 August 2021

Person pushing trolley and the Red Tractor logo

The NFU submitted a thorough and detailed response to the Red Tractor 2021 Standards Review. It called for a fresh approach and set out eight key principles to guide the standards body to improve its offer to scheme members.

21 July 2021

NFU response to the new Red Tractor standards

Responding to the announcement, NFU Deputy President Stuart Roberts said:

“Following significant feedback from the NFU and farmer and grower licensees, Red Tractor has developed the right standards to progress our industry, while balancing the needs of farmers with the evolving demands of shoppers and the supply chain.

“I would like to see Red Tractor embrace the eight principles that the NFU has set out for future standards development and embed these within the Red Tractor process. In the development of bolt-ons, Red Tractor must ensure these are more meaningful for farmers, increase relevance and integrity within the food supply chain, and importantly, deliver value back to the farm. Farmers cannot be burdened with additional standards which do not deliver something back to them at the farm gate – these standards cannot become the norm.

“There are significant opportunities in the future for the Red Tractor assurance scheme both at home and, as new trade deals are developed, to help bolster ‘Brand Britain’ as we take British food to new, global markets.

“Now more than ever, we need to ensure that all our standards on British food, whether for animal welfare, food safety or environmental protection, meet the needs of both farmers and the great British public.”

NFU members: Download the NFU’s full consultation response

Combinable Crops Board chair explains how the sector has worked with industry stakeholders to ensure that NFU members views were taken into account. Read NFU Combinable Crops Board chair Matt Culley talks about the new Red Tractor standards for more information.

5 March 2021

Red Tractor consultation closes

The consultation and review is due to close on 5 March 2021.

8 February 2021

NFU Live Red Tractor consultation

Red Tractor CEO Jim Moseley and Red Tractor Chair Christine Tacon answer member questions on the proposed changes to Red Tractor standards.

5 January 2021

Red Tractor opens consultation

Red Tractor urged farmers to engage in a consultation on how its farm standards should evolve.

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