The retailer is also offering a 5% discount on shopping for its supplying farmers as a thank you for their work during the coronavirus pandemic. Morrisons’ 2,700 farmers are eligible for the discount and will be sent a card in the post.
The move has been welcomed by NFU President Minette Batters. She said: “This is another great example from Morrisons’ demonstrating its support for British farmers during the coronavirus pandemic and the announcement today that they will be re-opening their fresh meat counters, as well as offering their supplying farmers a discount off their shop, is incredibly welcome.
“As livestock farmers in particular struggle with a slowing market for the higher-value products such as steaks and roasting joints, the move to re-open meat counters should help to boost the much-needed sales of those high-quality cuts of meat.
“As Great British Beef Week kicks off today, it’s important that retailers celebrate and promote the incredible beef we have here in Britain.”
More information on the retailer’s announcement can be found here.
See also: