Free workshops for next gen livestock farmers

Charles Sercombe, NFU livestock board

The workshops will cover both beef and sheep production, followed by a conference for delegates to look at the future for producers.

NFU livestock board chairman Charles Sercombe said: “The future of our industry is in both adapting to meet the market, and in making use of new technologies. How we farm now is streets away from how our forefathers farmed, and how our sons and daughters farm is going to be different once again.

“These events provide an opportunity to not only hear and see about different farm business’s experiences of precision agriculture and making use of technology, but also to meet and network with likeminded people. Technology will never be a substitute for good stockmanship, but it is an essential tool in the box for the modern farming business.”

Charlotte Johnson, livestock specialist for IfA, said: “The events focus on enhancing farm productivity and profitability. With increasing costs of production, anything that improves on-farm efficiencies from time management, up-to-date records, to early disease indicators, are sur

e to be a huge asset to any business.”

Precision farming for progressive farmers - event listings:

  • October 22, Sheep at Moreton Morrell College: Precision breeding and electronic identification as a means to increase production.
  • November 19, Beef at Reins Farm, Redditch: Enhancing productivity through targeted breeding and feeding.
  • December 3, Livestock conference at Arthur Rank Centre, Stoneleigh Park: Using technology across the supply chain to meet market demands, future technologies and their impacts on farm businesses.

The events are FREE and you can register to attend via the RASE website here