Beet Delivery Service Annual Report 2019/20

Simon Smith on farm December 2018_62186

NFU Sugar vice chairman Simon Smith (pictured above) said: “It has been good to see the Beet Delivery Service perform and adapt in a flexible and well run manner in extremely challenging conditions this year. We hope this adaptability will be repeated in what will hopefully be a more normal year in 2020/21.

"In the last year, we have seen the Beet Delivery Service deliver improved grower satisfaction, improved contractor performance and a greater focus on industry value, although it is disappointing to see fewer growers providing us feedback in the survey.

"The initial results of the changes made by British Sugar this year have been positive and we look forward to seeing that trend continue next year. Although results have improved, the journey is not finished, as the grower survey this year shows there is still work to do in some areas. NFU Sugar will continue to support the Beet Delivery Service while it continues to make improvements, and remains committed to representing growers interests in ensuring the service delivers maximum value to the industry.

"Together with British Sugar, we have implemented a new programme of haulier assessments. These should continue to drive best practice and allows all parties involved in the service to improve and understand issues from all angles.

"We look forward to being able to benchmark performance in these assessments next year against this year’s standard, and to seeing the learnings from the programme this year being implemented to provide an even greater level of service.”

Click here to read the annual report.