Help shape the future of AHDB’s nutrient management guide

Environment and climate
Field of wheat

AHDB is conducting a comprehensive review of its nutrient management guide (RB209) and wants to hear from you.

A questionnaire has been launched to gather insights from RB209 users. 

User feedback from the questionnaire, according to AHDB, is necessary to inform the future development of RB209.

As stated by AHDB, the RB209 is recognised as the industry standard for nutrient management information. The guide is updated annually, incorporating evidence from research commissioned by AHDB and its partners.

Now, AHDB is undertaking the first large-scale strategic review since 2016.

Review aims

Its review aims to:

  • Clearly define the scope, role and purpose of RB209.
  • Identify short, medium and long-term priorities to develop RB209’s technical content.
  • Review the format of the guidance, including the potential for greater use of digital channels.
  • Maintain the delivery of independent and robust guidance on nutrient management.
  • Renew the remit of the UK Partnership for Crop Nutrient Management.

Your voice matters 

Earlier this year, AHDB received more than 250 responses to its initial form, primarily from farmers and advisers.

According to its website, this feedback helped shape its main questionnaire, which delves deeper into specific areas of RB209.

Complete the questionnaire and help inform the future development of RB209. The deadline for responses is 31 July 2024.

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