
12 – 11 December 2025

Various locations and times

Derbyshire landscape

Welcome to the Derbyshire county page - the place for members to discover what's happening where you are with branch activity, meetings and a whole host of events.

Impacts of Flooding & Drought

The impacts of flooding and drought on farmers mental health as an evidence gap that needs filling.

Whilst there is evidence in other countries that floods and droughts have an impact on the mental health of the agricultural community, there is a gap in knowledge for the UK. The NFU is promoting this UKHSA (UK Health Security Agency) survey on flooding and drought impacts on mental health of farmers in England because the results will fill this important evidence gap and add weight to the NFU’s lobbying on flooding and water resources. The survey, available here, takes 15-20 minutes, is anonymous (unless you decide otherwise) and is open until 28 February 2025

NFU Midlands Younger Member Events

The next Midlands regional event will be on 5 March 2025 for more information and to register please click here

Farm for the Future – Royal Countryside Fund

Do you want help navigating agricultural policy changes including help with understanding ELMs and SFI (Sustainable Farming Incentive)?

If you’re an owner-occupied or tenant farm in England that received BPS, The Royal Countryside Fund’s Farm for the Future programme is in its final year, offering a last chance for free support which includes a 1-2-1 session with a consultant to talk about your farm.

Its online workshops can be joined from the comfort of your own home via Zoom to help you and your farm business navigate policy changes and become more resilient and sustainable.

To find out more and sign up to the online group, contact Christina Hutchings via email [email protected] or call 07715 353 546 or visit

South Derbyshire Council – UK Shared Prosperity Fund

This is the final year of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and South Derbyshire Council want to ensure that all businesses and community groups within South Derbyshire are made aware that grant funding is still available.

If anybody has any questions about eligibility, please contact the Council on 01283 595755 or email [email protected]

Be vigilant of scam callers

If you receive a call that looks like it is from NFU Headquarters and are unsure then please hang up, do not pass on any personal details.

You can contact NFU CallFirst on 0370 845 8458 to check if we are doing any calls or promotions.

Read our advice on how to deal with scam callers.

Call for Participants: Advancing Fairness in the UK Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector – University of Leicester

Are you into fresh fruit and or vegetable cultivation in the UK? University of Leicester are conducting a study on advancing fairness in fresh fruit and vegetable sector and would love to hear from you!

Participation in the study involves farmers who are into the cultivation of fresh fruits and vegetables in the UK and who are suppliers to large retailers in the UK.

All data collected will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and anonymity based on University of Leicester's guideline and used solely for academic purposes.

To participate or learn more, please Visit or contact Nike directly through [email protected].

Members support would be invaluable to the success of this research.

Questionnaire for pilot study -

Event details
Start Date
12 December 2024 at 12:00
End Date
11 December 2025 at 12:00

Various locations and times

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