Combinable crops sector resilience plan
Committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, while producing food, feed, and energy for a global market.

NFU Combinable Crops Board chair Jamie Burrows
Jamie is one half of Sandcross Farming LLP which farms c1000ha of cereals, across Hertfordshire and Norfolk with a mix of owned, tenanted and contract farming agreements. He was elected as chair of the NFU Combinable Crops Board in 2024.
“The combinable crops sector in many ways represents a foundation of food production as many of its products are utilised across the wider agricultural sector.
“Much like other sectors, combinable crops members face the same challenges in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and are committed to improving resilience while protecting the environment through the production of sustainable food, fibre and energy for the domestic and global market.
“We are working for members to benefit from opportunities to improve the farmed environment, while supporting them in building resilient and environmentally sustainable farming businesses.
“Our sector resilience plan outlines our key opportunities to reduce emissions, improve productivity and implement diversification options on a crop, enterprise, and whole farm level.
NFU Combinable Crops Board chair Jamie Burrows
Combinable crops sector priorities
Our priorities look at the benefits of climate-friendly farming, the barriers we might face, and the support needed from government, industry and R&D.

The NFU Crops Board priorities have been developed by the board to reflect the needs of the sector to promote resilient farming practices and sustainability.
Tax, budget and productivity measures
The crops sector requires measures to increase productivity through investment in capital on farm, including through existing or new funding mechanisms, taxation tools, crop insurance and other options to support business resilience and the development of systems which support capital re investment.
For example – Implementation of tax breaks for infrastructure improvements to grain stores, to improve productivity on farm.
Land use
The government and Defra must continue to adapt, improve and extend the existing ELMs offer to ensure all actions are fit for purpose, whilst also ensuring wider policies, including biodiversity net gain, net zero and water quality support sustainable and resilient agricultural activities.
For example – Support for a productive homegrown sustainable protein crop to displace imported soybean meal.
Fairness in the supply chain
A supply chain fairness strategy to improve transparency and forward planning by farm businesses. Legislative interventions through the Agriculture Act should be made available to support growers across the supply chain while the NFU will support the development of supply chain actions, implement data sharing opportunities, and support in upskilling members to better understand and negotiate contracts.
For example – The establishment of clear and transparent grain trading contracts which support fair practices across the supply chain.
Plant health
Government policies including the forthcoming National Action Plan, must deliver sustainable plant health solutions such as the IPM (integrated pest management) plan that enable UK farmers and growers to produce a variety of crops that meet the needs of consumers, the environment and profitable farming businesses.
For example – To improve the efficiency of regulatory development to support industry competitiveness by working with other regulators globally.
Research and development
The development of core aims and ambitions for applied R&D within the arable sector. Funding providers and the AHDB must work to ensure these are embedded within their own priorities when developing opportunities for R&D.
For example – Greater research to invest in home grown protein varieties, sustainable PPPs (plant protection products) and cropping practices to support productive alternative crops while working with research bodies to promote collaboration across the industry, creating opportunities for science-based advances.
Pillar 1 – On-farm efficiency
Crop cycle nutrient use efficiency
Member opportunities
- Improved efficiencies to meet specification while taking advantage of low nitrogen input crops.
- Opportunity to achieve lower nitrogen cost per tonne produced.
- Lack of knowledge exchange to compare and benchmark farm data to highlight economic opportunities through good practice.
- Limited data to demonstrate NUE (nutrient use efficiency) for crop varieties.
- Meeting specification for markets and lack of transparency across the supply chain creates uncertainty and risk.
- Significant risk of shortfall in farm business income created by crop failure or low yields through experimentation.
NFU asks
- Greater government, industry and R&D support for productive plant breeding opportunities with consideration for NUE requirements.
- Improved market transparency on claims and rejections to build trust across the supply chain.
- Promotion of industry collaboration to understand crop nutrition requirements through knowledge exchange, guidance and inclusion of NUE in AHDB recommended lists.
- Standardised best practice for nutrient use efficiency benchmarking and data sharing to support the development of crop efficiency.
- Suppliers to facilitate greater understanding of the embedded GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions within manufactured fertilisers to support decision making by farmers.
Use of organic manure
Member opportunities
- Organic manure will displace some manufactured fertiliser applications as well as optimising input costs.
- Improve productivity through activities such as mob grazing on autumn drilled crops to increase tillering, providing soil health benefits and alternative income from grazing.
- Availability of FYM (farmyard manure), cost of transport and storage, and regulatory barriers such as planning for on farm covered manure storage.
- Lack of financial support through grant funding and SFI, and guidance on incorporating nutrient cycling practices and benefits.
NFU asks
- Continued pragmatic and agronomically suitable regulation around organic manure use.
- Practical and accessible financial support for on-farm manure storage infrastructure with simplified and supportive planning processes and guidelines for local authorities.
- Greater promotion of muck for straw agreements, the benefits of collaboration between sectors and readily accessible standardised agreements.
- Guidance on improving nutrient cycling based on the variable factors for each farm– carbon, economics, and crop performance benefits.
- Data to demonstrate economic benefits of organic manures to support decision making.
- Fast tracked support for industry from funding bodies for the development of novel solutions to make FYM derived nutrients more mobile.
On-farm productivity
Member opportunities
- Investment opportunities, including through existing or new funding mechanisms or taxation tools.
- Investment in critical infrastructure, structural and operational improvements such as land drainage, grain handling, storage equipment.
- Improved nutrient use efficiency through plant varietal breeding improvements, data systems and agronomically sound risk-based decision-making tools.
- Current planning policy.
- Cashflow – current grants are secured against deposits however businesses do not always have access to capital required for a deposit.
- Restrictive tax systems present challenges for capital investment.
- Grant schemes being targeted at larger scale farms.
- Only new machinery and equipment being included within SFI options (England only).
NFU asks
- The ability to buy non-new machinery on grant schemes, not just brand new (perhaps linked to the ‘shelf life’ of the machinery as set out by manufacturers)
- Expand the list of eligible equipment under the small grants scheme to better reflect the needs of the sector.
- Tax advantages currently available to limited companies to be made available to partnerships and sole traders.
- Support payments for business resilience activities.
- Capital allowances for both incorporated and unincorporated businesses, work to incentivise the investment required in a broad range of climate smart capital investments.
Sustainable protein crops
Member opportunities
- Soil health improvement and pest, weed and disease control through IPM and diversifying cropping rotation.
- Reduced nitrogen requirement across crop rotation through use of legumes and low nitrogen input crops.
- Displacement of imported soybean meal through the increased production of homegrown protein crops thereby reducing embedded carbon emissions.
- Alternative break crop to oil seed rape, reducing pest burden.
- Early flowering break crop to improve food source for beneficial pollinators.
- Historically low investment in crop varieties, chemistry and the development of science based agronomic practices.
- Lack of financial support to incentivise production and outweigh risk.
- Reducing availability of PPPs for novel and niche crops.
- Uncertainty around best practice methods to achieve sustainable crop yields.
- Lack of cropping choice for different farming business structures.
- Lack of awareness around agronomic guidance.
NFU asks
- Industry, research and government collaboration to support development of a wider understanding of crop performance, chemistry and knowledge exchange around agronomic practices to support a productive home-grown protein crop sector.
- Industry and government collaboration to enable and promote the uptake of home-grown protein crops, delivering reductions in GHG emissions from imported soybean meal, and supporting diversity within the crop rotation.
Fuel use efficiency
Member opportunities
- Reduce cost per unit of production/overall cost.
- Lack of evidence for reduced cultivation across different land types and farming systems.
- Financial risk of transitioning to low cultivation practices due to loss of productive output.
- Lack of suitable, serviceable and affordable low carbon vehicles and farm machinery being brought to market.
- Planning barriers preventing investment to improve efficiencies for activities such as grain drying.
NFU asks
- Evidence-based knowledge exchange to guide farmer decision making on cultivations.
- Improved accessibility to funding for uptake of precision technology and low cultivation practices for farms of all sizes, particularly smaller businesses.
- Data collection technology on grain loads.
- Greater investment support and planning policies for renewable energy options to facilitate electrification on farm, for example, improved efficiencies in grain drying.
- Tax breaks for low emission on-farm technology.
On-farm data
Member opportunities
- Decision making around on-farm activities are likely to be influenced more by GHG data in the future.
- Support the development of understanding around reporting on Scope 3 emissions.
- Ability to baseline and track progress supporting on-farm efficiencies.
- Slow progress on harmonisation across GHG calculators.
- Lack of baseline data to measure progress.
- Time-consuming and confusing.
NFU asks
- Continued harmonisation of GHG calculators.
- GHG audit support and guidance to identify emissions hotspots and understand actions to take.
Pillar 2 – Nature-based solutions
Carbon storage within productive farming systems
Member opportunities
- Increased soil organic matter and soil health benefits such as reduced soil erosion, biodiversity and improvements to nutrient retention.
- Opportunity to diversify farm incomes through SFI, carbon markets and nature-based solutions.
- Nascent carbon markets – lack of clarity and trust.
- Delivering sequestration can put extra financial burden on already stretched businesses.
- Lack of wider evidence-based knowledge of the potential of activities to improve soil carbon sequestration.
NFU asks
- Government schemes for carbon storage to work alongside private finance.
- Government policy to protect ownership of sequestered carbon by farmers from supply chain demands.
- Voluntary carbon offset market code of conduct.
- Improved support and guidance for farmers which includes standardised contractual obligations for all parties.
- Greater clarity around soil carbon sequestration activities and methods.
Pillar 3 – Agriculture serving the wider community
Making the most of renewables
Member opportunities
- Reduced reliance on the grid to provide power at peak times and reduced exposure to short-term market volatility.
- Additional income through exporting surplus energy.
- Initial cost of implementation of renewable systems and grid connectivity.
- Time-based restrictions such as farm tenancy.
- Planning restrictions.
NFU asks
- Ready-to-roll-out opportunities need to be accessible to farmers – work with government to reduce barriers.
- Financial support to enable investment.
- Alternative fuel vehicles must be affordable, fit for purpose, accessible and accompanied by the right infrastructure.
Looking to alternative markets – Food, Fibre and Energy
Member opportunities
- Diversified portfolio of income streams to benefit from increases in demand.
- IPM and soil health improvement through beneficial and profitable “break crops”
- The cap on national crop use for biofuel.
- Unrefined and underdeveloped market demand.
- Lack of financial incentives to outweigh associated risk with a new crop.
- Lack of profitable options for different farming business structures.
- Limited agronomic guidance.
- Regulatory and bureaucratic burden associated with hemp varieties and poppies.
NFU asks
- Create flexibility of supply to reflect demand within feedstock potential.
- Policy mechanisms to reward farmers for environmental benefits where the market doesn’t.
- Market-driven solutions to offer farmers fair reward, fair contracts, choice, and to support certainty of demand.
- Flexibility for tenants to support the use of alternative crops to support soil health improvement.
- Reform regulatory space to allow for the expansion and development of agronomic and practical support mechanisms to allow ease of access by the sector.
We are already supporting the sector in reducing its GHG emissions.

Improvements to soil organic matter
The NFU have been working to ensure the inclusion of SFI actions for improving soil health, structure, organic matter and biology. Now available are:
SFI actions
Many of the actions the NFU has been calling for are now included within the Sustainable Farming Incentive. To find the SFI actions that best suit your farm visit GOV.UK Find funding for land or farms.
Check out the latest guidance from our experts.
Changes to hemp licensing rules
The NFU has been working with the hemp industry for more accessible licensing and fairer regulation. Hemp’s carbon capture ability combined with low water and pesticide requirements make it a sustainable crop which contributes toward climate ambitions. The seeds and plant fibre from the mature stalk can be processed into a wide range of sustainable and environmentally friendly products.
Due to come into force for the 2025 growing season, growers will be able to apply for a licence with a deferred start date of up to a year. This will allow for planning into the rotation and ordering seed in good time.
YEN Zero
The Crops Board is involved in the ADAS YEN Zero network. Combinable crops growers across its supporting organisations are benchmarking their field data to understand better what drives variation in crop emissions and identify the key hot spots.
E10 petrol
After years of NFU lobbying and work with the wider supply chain, the roll-out of E10 petrol since September 2021 contributes to reducing economy-wide emissions from road transport fuel use, and is an important market for UK-produced grain. Renewable ethanol plants such as Ensus and Vivergo have the capacity to process enough agricultural crop feedstock to deliver an annual CO2 emissions reduction for UK road transport of 750,000t, supporting wider UK economy de-carbonisation.
For UK growers to have the best opportunity to gain the business benefit from E10 and to support the wider economy carbon benefit in turn, the NFU worked to provide Defra with the support they needed to ensure Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) compliance could be met by growers hoping to supply processors.
Improvements to soil organic matter
The NFU have been working to ensure the inclusion of SFI actions for improving soil health, structure, organic matter and biology. Now available are:
SFI actions
Many of the actions the NFU has been calling for are now included within the Sustainable Farming Incentive. To find the SFI actions that best suit your farm visit GOV.UK Find funding for land or farms.
Check out the latest guidance from our experts.
Changes to hemp licensing rules
The NFU has been working with the hemp industry for more accessible licensing and fairer regulation. Hemp’s carbon capture ability combined with low water and pesticide requirements make it a sustainable crop which contributes toward climate ambitions. The seeds and plant fibre from the mature stalk can be processed into a wide range of sustainable and environmentally friendly products.
Due to come into force for the 2025 growing season, growers will be able to apply for a licence with a deferred start date of up to a year. This will allow for planning into the rotation and ordering seed in good time.
YEN Zero
The Crops Board is involved in the ADAS YEN Zero network. Combinable crops growers across its supporting organisations are benchmarking their field data to understand better what drives variation in crop emissions and identify the key hot spots.
E10 petrol
After years of NFU lobbying and work with the wider supply chain, the roll-out of E10 petrol since September 2021 contributes to reducing economy-wide emissions from road transport fuel use, and is an important market for UK-produced grain. Renewable ethanol plants such as Ensus and Vivergo have the capacity to process enough agricultural crop feedstock to deliver an annual CO2 emissions reduction for UK road transport of 750,000t, supporting wider UK economy de-carbonisation.
For UK growers to have the best opportunity to gain the business benefit from E10 and to support the wider economy carbon benefit in turn, the NFU worked to provide Defra with the support they needed to ensure Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) compliance could be met by growers hoping to supply processors.
Combinable crops emissions profile
It’s important to know where the main GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) come from in our sector and understand what is under our control, in the short- and medium-term.

The NFU combinable crops team is here to help
If you have already made strides into climate-friendly farming, or if you are just beginning on your journey and you'd like to look at possible options for your business, we may be able to help.

- ELMs – Environmental Land Management scheme
- FYM – Farmyard manure
- GHG – Greenhouse gas
- IPM – Integrated pest management
- NUE – Nitrogen use efficiency
- PPP – Plant protection products
- RED II – Renewable Energy Directive II
- SFI – Sustainable Farming Incentive
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Sector resilience plans