Digital Passport updated proposal published

Following the industry-wide consultation on the original business case for a digital passport, the NFU continues to represent members as part of the leadership group, which is made up of trade associations from across the cereals supply chain.

The Digital Passport Leadership Group has completed the process of revising the project budget and the business case, and has published the updated proposal on the AHDB website.

The Leadership Group, facilitated by the AHDB and made up of industry bodies including the NFU, AIC, UKFM and MAGB, are currently scheduled to meet with Defra in March 2025 to collaborate and build the foundation for a meeting with Minister Daniel Zeichner to seek grant funding to cover the three-year build, test, pilot and rollout period.

In parallel, the Leadership Group continue to discuss practical details with industry representatives, to ensure the digital passport will work effectively for everyone across the supply chain.

NFU position

The NFU remains supportive of the proposal for a single industry-wide digital passport to replace the current paper system.

This is preferable to individual merchants bringing out separate digital systems where they have control over what the passport includes and the data from it is fragmented across the supply chain.

Read the details on the updated proposals below.

With the Leadership Group continuing to meet on a regular basis, the NFU Combinable Crops Board encourages members to read the business case in detail and welcomes all comments and feedback to ensure the proposed system is fit for purpose and leads to the best outcome for growers.

5 March 2025

Updated proposal for digital passport published

The NFU’s involvement in the Leadership Group has ensured that the business case includes a prerequisite for external funding for the build, test, pilot and rollout period, as well as a requirement for all users to provide immediate feedback of sample data direct from the intake.

This will boost operational efficiencies on farm as well as creating greater transparency between farmers and merchants.

NFU representatives have also secured a system that does not require internet access at the point of loading, and a telephone helpdesk for those who do not have the capability to use a digital passport at this time.

The business case outlines a range of measures that will reduce the chances of the system ceasing to work properly to an absolute minimum, and practical contingencies will be in place.

Efficient data exchange

A digital passport will deliver efficient, timely and accessible data exchange through complex combinable crop supply chains, especially when load destinations are switched after collection from farm.

The haulier will carry each load’s digital passport as it travels, ensuring the correct data is available for that load digitally, regardless of where it is delivered.

The latest business case includes agreement on data usage and decision making processes.

Aggregated and anonymised datasets created for food and feed safety purposes will be available, however the same datasets for analysis to benefit the industry or for bespoke data requests from third parties are not within scope.

Robust and comprehensive data governance controls are laid out on the business case.

Further data permissions can only be granted if all impacted stakeholders within the Ownership Group agree, ensuring farmers retain control of their data.


Additionally, the AHDB cereals and oilseeds sector council has formally agreed to use levy funds to cover the annual running costs of the digital passport, once it enters the business as usual phase.

The budgets have also been updated to reflect inflation and to ensure there is sufficient support for the industry transition from paper to digital.

3 February 2025

Leadership group agree on the concept of a Digital Passport

Since the last industry update in June 2024, the Digital Passport leadership group has been in discussions with the AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds Sector Council, and with stakeholders in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

In a key milestone for the project, all leadership group members and the AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds Sector Council are in agreement and are now aligned on the concept of a digital passport.

The AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds Sector Council has also formally agreed to use levy funds to cover ongoing running costs once the industry has fully transitioned to the digital system.

There is also agreement on the position of the Digital Passport for Scotland and Northern Ireland. NFUS (NFU Scotland) has withdrawn from the Leadership Group but given its agreement for the project to proceed in its absence.

The Digital Passport will initially operate in England and Wales, but with an option for Scottish businesses to join voluntarily at a point that suits them.

The UFU (Ulster Farmers’ Union) will continue to remain as part of the Leadership Group as observers.

Digital Passport adoption is founded on securing grant funding to cover build, pilot and implementation costs. Work continues in this area.

Final review, due diligence and benchmarking is being undertaken on the budget and delivery options.

This is being considered now with a focus on ensuring the right level of support is in place to enable a smooth transition across the supply chain. Once complete, the business case will be revised and shared with industry.

The leadership group is seeking a meeting with Defra Minister Daniel Zeichner in March 2025 to make the case for funding.

Digital Passport – summary

The leadership group continue to work on proposals for a digital passport system incorporating the same data as on today’s paper passport.

There are two key additions: real-time assurance status checks and immediate feedback of weight and quality data to growers.

There is a short video available explaining how it is envisaged the digital passport will work in practice: Digital Passport 2024 | AHDB.

Grain and particularly wheat, is one of the UK’s major food staples.

For improved food and feed safety, supply chain traceability, transparency, fairness and national food security reasons, there is majority cross-industry support to move to a digitised combinable crop passport.

This would be to strengthen food and feed safety and enable a two-way data exchange through supply chains.

7 June 2024

Updated business case explained

The industry group which has been meeting regularly to discuss the digital passport have now published an updated version of the business case.

Following the consultation on the original business case, the proposal has been updated to address the concerns raised.

The onus of the business case has switched from comparing the proposal against the current paper passport to whether one, universal industry-wide digital passport is preferable to a number of different digital passport systems introduced by larger processors and merchants to meet their own needs.

The digital passport will replicate the current paper system, with two significant additions:

  • Live assurance checks during grain collection and delivery.
  • An obligation to pass weight and quality data digitally from recipient to supplier.

Alongside the updated business case, the industry group has also published a questions log which explains the changes that have been made to the proposal to address each concern raised. Some of the concerns specifically raised through the NFU consultation on the initial business case have been addressed below.


Where there is no internet, data will pass from one device to another via QR codes.

This will ensure logistics are not held up, and the system will update automatically once the device picks up data signal again.


Grant funding will be sought to cover the initial build, development, rollout and running costs.

For the business-as-usual phase, agreement with the AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds sector council will be sought to use a combination of statutory AHDB levy and to continue pursuing further options for grant funding to cover the annual running costs.

Tech support

For those growers with no computer or smartphone today and who are not familiar with using such technology, there will be an option to telephone the AHDB helpdesk.

The helpdesk will be able to go through the one-off process of registering your business and users, and subsequently, creating and populating passports, on your behalf.

There are several ways in which users can be supported in the event of devices being broken or flat or during local power cuts.

Users will be able to log in using any of their available digital devices, including a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

In-built functionality will make it easy to download a completed passport as a pdf, and the ability to email it to yourself or to someone else will provide flexible options for individual users to work around central system unavailability or local issues.

In addition, any passport created by a grower or store can be accessed by other users registered within that business.

There will be automated data replication, backup and recovery regimes to support business continuity, coupled with hosting across two geo-redundant datacentres.

This means that if there is an issue with one system it will automatically switch to the other, hosted in an entirely different location.

This will limit system downtime to an absolute minimum.

The full business case and questions log can be found on the AHDB website Digital Passport 2024 | AHDB.

2 February 2024

Consultation closes

This consultation has now closed.

2 February 2024

NFU submits response

As part of the industry-wide consultation on the proposal to implement a digital passport for combinable crop movements, the NFU has engaged with members through a range of different channels to form a response.

This included the member survey that was open from the start of December 2023, and discussions at regional crops boards.

From the outset the National Crops Board has supported the principle of a digital passport on the proviso that a number of key principles and tests have to be met for it to work.

These include:

  • It has to provide real-time quality feedback to growers to boost efficiency.
  • The IT has to be resilient and reliable for all areas and situations.
  • It has to offer a genuine benefit to growers.
  • The individual data included should be secure and confidential whilst the aggregate data has the potential to offer useful industry intelligence and insights.
  • It must be simple to use.

Based on the business case put forward, the NFU is not in a position to support progressing the digital grain passport in its current format.

A critical benefit of a digital passport for our members is the transparency and efficiency that immediate feedback of sample data at intake would deliver for their farm business. This must be guaranteed, not simply an ‘expectation’ as stated in the business case.

Furthermore, a number of practical challenges and concerns remain. The most common reason to oppose the digital passport – a lack of internet connection at grain stores – has already been addressed by the business case.

However, there is a wider issue with connectivity where some farm businesses do not have a smartphone or the computer literacy to use one.

The NFU would not be able to support the proposal if there is a chance that some members will not be able to trade their grain. Without a non-digital work round, this shortcoming is a significant block to the business case.

Further concerns raised by members include:

  • The cost of the system, with cost inflation having an impact on margins which are already being tightly squeezed.
  • The potential issues caused by devices running out of battery or system outages, including cyber attacks.
  • A perceived lack of flexibility versus the paper version, especially where there are late changes to logistics.

The NFU combinable crops board continues to support the principle of a digital passport, and will work with the Leadership Group to deliver increased transparency and efficiency in the combinable crops supply chain, but it is vital that these concerns, most notably around the immediate feedback of sample data, are addressed.

24 January 2024

NFU feedback form closes for responses

The NFU's feedback form has now closed.

20 November 2023

Consultation launches on digital grain passport

The background

Over the past twelve months, a group of people from across the arable supply chain and including the NFU, have been reviewing and revising the work previously undertaken by the AHDB and others to develop a DGP.

From the start, whilst the National Crops Board has supported the potential advantages of a DGP, they have been clear a number of key principles and tests have to be met for it to work and these include:

  • It must be simple to use.
  • It has to offer a genuine benefit to growers.
  • The IT has to be resilient and reliable for all areas and situations.
  • It has to provide real-time quality feedback to growers to boost efficiency.
  • The individual data included should be secure and confidential whilst the aggregate data has the potential to offer useful industry intelligence and insights.

What’s being proposed?

The proposal developed by three key groups – an Industry Leadership Group, an Industry Data Group, and an Industry Governance Group goes into more detail than can be fully summarised here, but some of the key parts of the proposal are that it is designed to deliver:

  • Growers receiving crop quality results in ‘real time’ allowing time to react with increased transparency on delivery. Real time means as soon as the test results are known by the recipient they are shared with growers via the DP.
  • Buyers fulfilling feed and food safety responsibilities can do so more comprehensively and efficiently.
  • Data will be securely aggregated, guarding individual confidentiality and yet providing valuable insights to the advantage of the whole supply chain.
  • It is a single, industry owned and controlled proposal, which replicates the current roles and responsibilities of the paper passport growers are used to. As a result, it may reduce the risk of multiple DGPs being developed by the industry which could bring greater complexity and administrative burden to growers.
  • The proposal clearly sets out both the cost of developing and establishing this DGP system, and the potential benefits and savings it offers. Section 11 of the business case explores the detail of this, and allows you to think about what it would mean for your business.
  • In simple terms, the business case says the development cost would be £500k, and the annual running cost would be £396k but the savings over 10 years would be £6 million.

This is just a simple summary of a detailed proposal, and we’d encourage as many of you as possible to read the information, FAQs document, and business case hosted on the AHDB website.

Next steps

The NFU Crops Board need to hear your feedback, on the proposal in general, and whether it meets the key tests and principles set out at the start of this process.

Only if widespread support is established will the AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds Sector Council consider allocating levy funds to developing the system and other funding streams be pursued.

NFU crops board chair Matt Culley said: “The industry has worked hard to develop a proposal for a Digital Grain Passport that offers a number of benefits to UK growers, and that includes a simple, secure, and reliable system for the real-time return of quality data to farm.

“The NFU has made a major contribution and worked to ensure members’ interests have remained at the forefront of the project development. But for this to proceed, we now need to hear feedback from our members, because the AHDB Sector Council will have to see widespread support before they consider allocating levy money to the project.”

Use the form on this page to submit your views to the board before 24 January.

17 November 2022

NFU meets with Cereals Liason Group

We’ve met with the CLG (Cereals Liaison Group) to discuss the proposed Digital Grain Passport and feed back members’ concerns.

The meeting had been called specifically to discuss the AHDB’s proposals for a DGP (Digital Grain Passport), and the feedback each organisation has gathered following the recent webinars outlining how it could work.

NFU Crops Board chair Matt Culley relayed the feedback the national and regional crops boards have received in recent weeks.

Addressing growers’ concerns

He said the NFU remains supportive of the project, but more work was required to ensure the concerns growers have expressed are addressed.

These specifically refer to questions around who is responsible for completing and holding each part of the DGP, how it will cope with those in areas with poor or limited access to the internet, is the process simple enough, and is the governance sufficiently robust?

Agreement across the board

The majority of representatives in the meeting took a similar position. They were supportive of the project, but some raised areas where their members would like to see some changes, or more work done.

The meeting agreed with this approach, and people welcomed the AHDB taking feedback on board. We hope everyone will now work together achieve this.

As the project develops, your NFU representatives will continue to stress that the DGP should at first focus on digitising the function, roles, and responsibilities of the paper passport.

Beyond this, it must bring real benefits to the grower by being more efficient than the paper system, and deliver a genuine and useful two-way flow of data back to farm. 

1 October 2022

DGP webinars

Throughout October, the AHDB held a series of webinars to explain how its proposed Digital Grain Passport scheme could work and to allow individuals and trade associations to make suggestions and raise any concerns.

If the new initiative is approved, the AHDB has committed to providing three years of levy funding to get the project off the ground.

If approved, the first system tests would then be expected to take place in 2023, followed by a phased adoption where for a three-year period both paper and digital systems would operate in tandem to ensure as smooth a transition as possible for growers, storekeepers drivers and intake staff alike.

This page was first published on 05 December 2023. It was updated on 05 March 2025.

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