Dorset farmers emphasise importance of county farms

04 July 2024

Tenants and land
A group of people standing in a farmyard

Picture: Dorset farmers meet with local councillors

Farmers in Dorset have discussed the importance of county farms with local councillors, in the hope of finding solutions to the challenges that tenant farmers are facing.

County farms are owned by local authorities and have been essential for providing opportunities to farmers new to the industry.

An uncertain future

Dorset’s county farm estate comprises 41 farms over 2,600 hectares throughout the county, but farmers in the area are feeling uncertain about their future.

With the hope of ensuring a more secure future, tenant farmers in Dorset met to express their concerns to local councillors and discuss how best to move forward.

A vital driver for growth

NFU South tenants forum chair Rob Halliday said: “The sector is a vital driver for growth in productive agriculture and we need to make it easier for existing tenants to grow their businesses and also for new entrants to start farming land which they do not own.

“While agriculture can often be a difficult industry to break into without significant amounts of capital, the county farms system is an invaluable route for new entrants.

Benefits of a vibrant estate

“The need to provide an opportunity for people to build farming businesses is well understood by both politicians and the industry and as well as an enduring financial asset, a vibrant estate can provide economic benefits to the wider community through the creation of employment, spending in rural areas, including tourism, and the creation of wealth along the food chain.

“A well-managed estate can provide benefits to the community such as beneficial management of the landscape, better biodiversity, improved access and public health, and education for both young and old.”

NFU South tenants chair Rob Halliday

“A well-managed estate can also provide significant non-financial benefits to the community such as beneficial management of the landscape, better biodiversity, improved access and public health, and education for both young and old – as well as helping to meet future renewable energy and waste management aims.

Helping the regional economy

“They can also help deliver council strategy across a range of portfolios and help to ensure the regional economy grows, jobs are created and the public remains reconnected with the food they demand.”

Deen Thomas and Hannah Williamson are first generation dairy farmers on a county farm in Dorset and attended the day alongside their fellow members.

A great opportunity

Deen said: “We think working on a county farm estate has been a great opportunity for us to take on the farm and we’re really thankful for that opportunity.

“Not only is working on the estate good for us as a family but it’s also helped the younger generation around us to be able to understand farming, what we are doing and what we are giving back to the county.

“I think that is what has been missed over the years – there’s not enough understanding about what we do as farmers for the country.

“We look forward to continuing the conversation, so we can work towards solutions that will give county farm tenants greater confidence.”

Gemma Harvey, NFU Dorset county adviser

“There’s a lot of passion in our farming on the county farm estate but I don’t think people understand or realise what actually goes into being a farmer and the hard work we do to produce food for people.

“Farming is a massive commitment – it’s not just a job, it’s your whole life.”

Moving forward together

Dorset NFU county adviser Gemma Harvey said: “I was really pleased to see the council being so present on the county farm estate and open to hearing what issues our tenant farmers are facing with the aim of moving forward together.

“We look forward to continuing the conversation to ensure that we can work towards solutions that will give county farm tenants greater confidence and security to work with the support of the council to invest and safeguard the future of their farm businesses.”

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