Have your say on quality protocols for compost and anaerobic digestate

Environment and climate
Hands holding soil

The Environment Agency has initiated an informal consultation process to revise the existing quality protocols for compost and anaerobic digestate. Members have until 5 August to feed into the NFU’s response.

This process aims to establish new ‘resource frameworks’ with updated requirements, particularly focusing on tightening plastics regulations.

The new resource frameworks will replace the existing quality protocols, with the following objectives.

  1. Clarify the end-of-waste criteria for compost and digestate.
  2. Assure users that compost and digestate from source-segregated biodegradable waste meet approved standards.
  3. Assure users that the quality of compost and digestate from source-segregated biodegradable waste is suitable for designated market sectors.
  4. Protect human health and the environment, including soil.

End of waste requirements

Under the new resource frameworks, a final product is no longer considered waste when:

  • It is produced from approved source-segregated waste materials.
  • It complies with all conditions set by PAS100 for compost or PAS110 for digestate.
  • It is ready for its intended use, without further treatment.
  • It meets any additional specifications requested by customers (for digestate).

Member feedback

Members are encouraged to read the draft documents and feedback their thoughts.

You can fill in the NFU’s survey below before 5 August to have your say. You can also jump further down the page for more information on what these key changes mean.

Fill out my online form.

9 July 2024

EA puts a call out for feedback on its draft 'resource frameworks'

The Environment Agency has initiated an informal consultation process to revise the existing quality protocols for compost and anaerobic digestate.

This process aims to establish new ‘resource frameworks’ with updated requirements, particularly focusing on tightening plastics regulations.

Key changes

Plastic limits

  • Tighter limits for plastics in final products.
  • A maximum of 0.06% m/m for >2mm plastics in air-dry compost.
  • Up to 8% of the PAS 110 physical contaminants limit for plastics in digestate.
  • Two-year transition period for the new limits.

List of approved input materials:

  • Updated list of approved materials, with the removal of '99' waste codes.
  • Harmonisation with standard rule permits.

Designated market sectors

  • The draft resource frameworks do not specify designated market sectors, unlike the current quality protocols.
  • This change would enable the use of digestate in horticulture, offering greater flexibility for its application.

Key dates

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  • 9 July 2024: EA releases drafts of the ‘resource frameworks’ to collect feedback and provide suggestions for improvement.