NFU secures major wins at Farm to Fork Summit 2024

A picture of Prime Minster Rishi Sunak in conversation with NFU President Tom Bradshaw

Photograph: Picture by Simon Walker / No 10 Downing Street

The NFU has secured major wins and explored ways to restore farmers’ confidence at the second Farm to Fork summit, which Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hosted at 10 Downing Street today.

The NFU called for an inaugural Farm to Fork event during the Conservative leadership elections in 2022, with the first summit held in 2023.

NFU President Tom Bradshaw and NFU Director General Terry Jones attended this year’s event, which is now being held annually following a commitment secured by the NFU during its Conference earlier this year.


The summit coincided with several announcements which represent major wins for the NFU.

  • The publication of a Food Security Index.
  • A commissioner for the farming sector who has a non-statutory responsibility for helping to facilitate and resolve issues between landlords, advisors, and tenants.
  • Confirmation of £72 million to help combat endemic disease.
  • A £22 million infrastructure grant for laying hens to help poultry farmers improve the health, welfare, and productivity of their flocks.
  • £75 million of funding for internal drainage boards.
  • New regulations in Parliament for eggs, fresh produce and pigs to ensure contracts in the sector are reasonable and transparent.
  • £3 million of support for abattoirs.
  • A new producer organisation offer for the UK horticulture sector.
  • A blueprint for growing UK horticulture.

Food Security Index

The NFU welcomes the launch of the inaugural Food Security Index, which was announced by the Prime Minister at NFU Conference in February following a long campaign by the NFU.

The Food Security Index is designed to capture and present the data needed to monitor levels of food security annually, which is especially important against a backdrop of months of devastating flooding, unsustainably high production costs and low market returns.

The critical thing now will be how the government responds to the index in future to ensure that domestic production retains a fundamental role in our nations’ food security.

Importance for farmers and growers

NFU President Tom Bradshaw said: “It was good to return to Number 10 today to see and hear the Prime Minister champion British food production, putting it at the top of the national political agenda. Food security is national security.

“Many of today’s announcements are extremely welcome, particularly those long-term strategic ambitions around the launch of a UK Food Security Index and measures to boost the production of more British fruit and vegetables.

“We are pleased that the government has taken on board our calls for a bigger and more accessible replacement for the EU Fruit and Veg Aid Scheme, and a commitment to legislate to improve contractual relationships.

“But we cannot forget that our members have experienced the wettest eighteen months since 1836, including devastating flooding, and many are facing an acute short-term crisis.

“The NFU’s recent confidence survey revealed just how tough it is out there currently – the reality is that some farmers and growers believe they may not survive long enough to benefit from today’s announcements.

“That’s why, while we are pleased to see the Prime Minister and Defra saying UK food security is vital to our national security, we need actions in the short-term that underpin that statement, in order to rebuild confidence and resilience so farming businesses can continue producing food.

“We will continue to engage with ministers on the detail needed for the immediate relief our farm businesses require and believe that core standards for food imports also need to be part of the long-term offer.”


See our manifesto asks

Our manifesto

Our general election manifesto – Farming for Britain's Future – outlines our key asks of the next government to ensure farmers and growers can continue to deliver for the environment, economy and local communities while producing more of the great British food we all enjoy.

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This page was first published on 14 May 2024. It was updated on 17 May 2024.

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