Michael Oakes has held various roles at the NFU, serving as Worcestershire county chair, West Midlands Regional Board chair and NFU Council delegate.
At a national level, Michael sat on the NFU Dairy Board for nearly 14 years, two as vice chair and eight as chair. He is a long-term advocate for the dairy industry and has always worked hard to ensure the dairy sector has a strong, resilient future.
Key driving force
NFU Dairy Board chair Paul Tompkins said: “As chair of the NFU Dairy Board for eight years, Michael was a key driving force behind a number of high-profile issues, none more so than helping to get legislation laid in Parliament to ensure fair and transparent contracts for all UK dairy farmers.
“Michael also worked tirelessly on the Dairy Roadmap, helped set up the Dairy Export Taskforce, fought for support funding for dairy producers during Covid and has always been instrumental in raising awareness of mental health throughout the farming industry.”