Front and rear projections on agricultural machines

14 June 2023

A tractor with a Pottinger Aerosem 4002 pneumatic seed drill.

Photograph: Bill Allsopp / Alamy Stock Photo

Do you ever have to use front or rear mounted agricultural equipment on the public highway? Make sure you know the rules around this to keep yourself and other road users safe.

The legal requirements related to the maximum length and width of a vehicle are set out in the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986.

The projection of the load carried on a vehicle, whether it be by its length of width, play a part in what regulations the vehicle must abide by. 

Vehicle users should ensure that any implement being carried, or trailer being towed is within the maximum weight capacity of the vehicle, and within legal weight restrictions.

Note: The information provided in this guide is not applicable to trailers. For information on trailers and machine dimensions, NFU members can check out our vehicle dimensions business guide.

Front projections

When travelling any front projection on an agricultural machine, considerations need to be made about how visibility could be impacted, such as when pulling out at junctions.

If the front projection could be deemed dangerous to other road users, then the operator of the machine could be prosecuted for dangerous driving.

Length of front projection Requirement
Under 1 metre No requirements specified.
Over 1 metre Projection must be made clearly visible from the end and both sides.
Sharp projections must be guarded.
Lights are required at night and in reduced visibility.
Over 2 metres End marker board required.
Over 3 metres End and side marker boards required.
Over 4 metres Notification to the police for each area the vehicle will be used required.
Over 4.5 metres Additional side marker boards required one positioned at 2.5m from the end of the protection.
Over 12 metres Written consent of the secretary of state required to move the vehicle on road.
Please note that the provisions apply cumulatively across all categories.

Rear projections

Length of rear projection Requirement
Under 1 metre No requirements specified.
Over 1 metre Projection must be made clearly visible from the end and both sides.
Sharp projections must be guarded.
Lights are required at night and in reduced visibility.
Over 2 metres End marker board required.
Over 3 metres End and side marker boards required.
Over 4 metres Notification to the police for each area the vehicle will be used required.
Over 5 metres Additional side markers required – one positioned at 3.5m from the end of the projection.
Over 6 metres Attendants required for the vehicle.
Over 12 metres Written consent of the secretary of state required to move the vehicle on road.
Please note that the provisions apply cumulatively across all categories.

Tractors with both a forward and rear projection

Under Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, the maximum length of any load carried shall not exceed 27.4m. Any projections must comply with requirements specific to the positioning of that projection.

Considering this, any load being travelled with a rigid length over 18.65m requires compliance with abnormal vehicle movements.

Rigid length is defined as the trailer and/or load and any overhang of the load, the length of the drawing vehicle is excluded from the above measurement of 18.65m.

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