Launched on 13 January, the survey gave suppliers an opportunity to tell the GCA (Groceries Code Adjudicator) about any issues they are facing and whether their customers are treating them fairly and lawfully.
The survey has now closed, with results due to be published in the summer.
Feedback is key
The survey is an important opportunity for suppliers to confidentially tell the GCA about their experiences when supplying their customers. Although the survey is focused on producers who sell to retailers, there is an opportunity to provide feedback as a ‘non-direct’ supplier.
This is a valuable opportunity to inform the GCA’s work and shape their future priorities for the upcoming year.
The adjudicator, Mark White, said: “I want to hear from as many suppliers as possible about their ongoing experiences supplying the large retailers. Your feedback helps me to better understand supplier concerns and to focus my engagement to ensure these retailers treat all suppliers fairly and lawfully.”
Last year’s survey showed an improvement in retailers’ compliance with the GSCOP (Groceries Supply Code of Practice). However, the results also showed the key issues facing suppliers are still discrepancies around invoices, inaccurate forecasting and delays around cost price increase requests.
YouGov conducted the survey on behalf of the GCA office and all information provided is treated in strict confidence. Responses are not shown to the GCA without consent, and never to retailers.