The updated guidance (CIRIA 759 A&B) incorporates amendments to SSAFO (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) storage rules from 2010 and also takes into account the evolution of construction and storage technologies which has taken place since 1992.
This Guidance provides up-to-date information on the selection, sizing, costs and risks associated with farm waste storage as well as on the issues that may arise during the design, construction and operation phases. Incorporating SSAFO Regulations and the application of relevant regulations and the construction and storage technologies.
The guidance comes in two parts:
Part 1 provides the legislative background and presents the characteristics of farm waste and principles of treatment and disposal. This part is of particular use to farmers as it provides an overview of the topic and provides advice on selecting the most appropriate store.
Part 2 is the design and construction guide and is aimed at consultants, designers and contractors. It also includes guidance on storage maintenance and health and safety considerations.
Both documents can be freely downloaded from the CIRIA website.
Download: CIRIA | Livestock manure and silage infrastructure for agriculture.
** The previous edition of this report, CIRIA R126, published in 1992, was produced to take account of The Control of Pollution (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) Regulations (SSAFO), introduced in 1991 to prevent agricultural incidents and limit the impacts of farm waste on the environment.