Building an IPM strategy: see our IPM plans and tool

First published27 September 2023

Field with margins

All users of professional Plant Protection Products are required to consider the principles of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) when thinking about how to manage crop pests, weeds and diseases.

Completing an annual IPM plan is a great way to assess the pest management requirements of your business and plan a suitable IPM strategy.

NFUOnline offers two different IPM resources, each offering a different approach to IPM planning and building an IPM strategy.

It may be useful to undertake your IPM planning alongside, or discuss the results with an agronomy adviser.

Both planning resources would meet the requirements of producing an IPM plan under the SFI actions for IPM, and farm assurance schemes like Red Tractor.

Please note: the SFI actions for IPM require an IPM plan to be completed by, or alongside a BASIS qualified adviser with a Certificate in Crop Protection. BASIS and NRoSO points are available for completion of either of the resources below.


The Volutary Initiative

This VI IPM Plan has been jointly developed by the VI and the NFU.

Three sector specific plans are available for arable, grassland and horticultural businesses, each offering a broad, whole farm approach to IPM.

Completing this plan allows you to consider the plant health threats most significant to your business, record what actions you are already taking and consider further practices that could be adopted to protect your most economically important crops.

A scoring systems provides an IPM score and you get tailored feedback upon completion.

The VI IPM Plan

Idyllic rural landscape

The IPM Planning Tool has been developed by ADAS and SRUC with the NFU, and tested by farmers and agronomists.

The IPM Tool provides guidance on IPM actions that are effective to control the pests, weeds and diseases on your farm.

It links to independent sources of information to enable a more in-depth IPM plan on a crop specific basis.

A summary page records planned IPM actions and identifies potential gaps in control strategies.

The IPM Planning Tool takes approximately 1 hour to complete for each type of crop in a rotation.


The IPM tool

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