Leicestershire, Northants & Rutland County Meeting

16 October 2024, 18:30 – 20:30

Kilworth Springs Golf Club, LE17 6HJ.

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Dilwyn Harries, LNR County Adviser would like to invite you to the Leicestershire, Northants and Rutland County meeting on 16 October at Kilworth Springs Golf Club.

The meeting will be on Succession; What works for family businesses.


  • 6.30pm: Arrival – social supper
  • 7.15pm: Welcome - Joe Stanley
  • 7.20pm: Guest Speaker – Peter Craven - NIAB
  • 8.00pm: Council Update – Sarah Bell
  • 8.15pm: AOB
  • 8.30pm: Close

If you would like to speak with Dilwyn prior to the County meeting you can contact him on 07827 017848 or email: [email protected]

To register your attendance please call the Midlands Hub on 02476 939402 or email: [email protected] (please provide your membership number, numbers attending and dietary requirements via this format)

Event details
Start Date
16 October 2024 at 18:30
End Date
16 October 2024 at 20:30

Kilworth Springs Golf Club, LE17 6HJ.

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