Government takes vital step in prioritising British food security

14 December 2022

An image of suburban homes, gardens and factories surrounded by patchwork quilt landscape of green pasture, golden crops and wooded hills in this aerial vista

Photograph: iStock

Following significant lobbying from the NFU, the Government has committed to a consultation on safeguarding agricultural land for food production.

We've been working closely with Greg Smith MP to table amendments to the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill, which would require the Government to consider the impact of future legislation on food production.

The move is a crucial milestone for British farming as the NFU continues to urge the government to put in place a statutory underpinning of food production.

This would look to maintain current levels of self-sufficiency alongside an international trade strategy that enables agriculture to achieve the NFU's ambition of growing our food and drink exports by 30% by 2030.

Commitment to consult

The Minister for Housing and Homelessness Felicity Buchan MP, has written to Greg Smith MP outlining the department’s intention to consult further on the basis of protection in national policy for agricultural land. 

The consultation plans will ensure the importance of food security is recognised alongside imperatives such as energy security.

Explicit recognition of food production

In an emergency press conference in December, NFU President Minette Batters urged Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to honour the commitments he made to support British farmers through the energy crisis and to set a target for the nation’s food security, with a statutory duty to report on domestic food levels.

Following the consultation announcement, Minette said: “This consultation is a much needed step in ensuring food security is factored in to all local plans, and shapes the future of agricultural land use.” 

Read the letter in full on Twitter. 


More of the NFU's work on levelling up

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