Our LIVE on the day coverage: NFU mass lobby

Attendees at the mass lobby holding a banner which reads Stop the family farm tax

Photograph: Miranda Parry

Look back on our coverage of the NFU’s mass lobbying event. NFU members lobbied their MPs, showing them the impact that changes to IHT (Inheritance Tax) will have on British food and farming following the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget.

Green tractor pulse See our live updates from the NFU’s mass lobby

  • As farmers and growers descend on London ready to meet with their MPs, the NFU’s call to action to reverse the family farm tax has seen more than 222,000 people add their names.
  • NFU President Tom Bradshaw opens the mass lobby in Church House.
  • Tom is joined by NFU Cymru President Aled Jones, NFUS President Martin Kennedy and UFU President William Irvine.

19 November 2024

That’s a wrap!

5:30pm: Thank you for everyone’s support today, whether that was from London or from home.

Rest assured, our fight will continue until our request is met and farmers and growers are listened to. This isn’t the culmination of our efforts. It’s just the start.

The family farm tax must be overturned.

Show your support and call for the government to overturn the family farm tax.

Add your name


19 November 2024

Pressures coming from many different angles

5pm: NFU Vice President Rachel Hallos talks about the pressures on farmers as a result of the government’s recent Budget, and reiterates that farmers are all in this together for as long as it takes.

She said: “APR is what’s hitting the headlines but we know there’s so much more behind this Budget, we know there’s so much more that we need to do.

“I know that our horticultural growers, they’re feeling the pinch. Increased National Insurance, increased National Living Wage, we know the pressures are coming in so many different ways.

“I just want to thank all of our members for being there for us.

“We’re all in this together.”

Watch below:

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19 November 2024

‘Let’s all look out for each other’

4:30pm: NFU Deputy President David Exwood reminds us about the range of complex issues farmers are facing and asks us to look after ourselves and each other during these difficult times.

He said: “But also it’s about the people, you could feel the emotion out there today. And that tells you about the pressure that people are under mentally.

“Let’s all look out for each other, look after each other in the days and weeks to come.

“We’re all really feeling it.”

Visit our wellbeing support page to find organisations that can offer support near you.

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19 November 2024

Lots more MP meetings in progress

3:15pm: Farmers from all corners of the UK have been engaging with their MPs.

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19 November 2024

‘Tell your story’

3pm: In his speech, NFU President Tom Bradshaw told farmers to tell MPs their story.

“Tell them how it impacts you, your farm, your family and your future.”

We spoke to NFU member Clare Wise about what the government’s changes to inheritance tax will mean for her farm.

“My family have been proudly producing food on this farm for 126 years. Passed from generation to generation. The Budget just took away that future from my children.

“The reality is that a viable, food producing farm in this country is not worth £1 million like the Treasury claims.

“This Budget means that my children, if I die tomorrow, will have to raise nearly £500,000 in taxes.

“This farm, their skills and everything we stand for here will be lost.”

Watch Clare's story below:

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19 November 2024

Surrey members on their way to Westminster

2:30pm: Following speeches at Church House, a contingent of Surrey NFU members along with NFU county adviser Harriet Henrick are now on their way to see Chris Coghlan MP in Westminster.


Photograph: L to R Neil Fuller, Nick Bullen, Nellie Budd, Paula Matthews, Simon Maiklem & Harriet Henrick

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19 November 2024

‘A moment to stand up for the countryside’

2pm: We’ve been speaking to farmers attending the mass lobby to find out why it was so important for them to travel to London today.

One member says: “I’m here today to support my one family because it’s going to mean massive financial implications for us and to support all other farmers that are in the same boat.”

Another member calls today a “moment in a generation that we need to stand up for the countryside and for farming and our industry”.

“This is the final straw that will really decimate family farms.”

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19 November 2024

Tom addresses the rally

1:55pm: Tom is addressing the farmers’ rally in Whitehall now.

He said: “We know the pressure this is putting on the farming industry – the mental health toll on our industry was already at record levels.

“I am seriously concerned as many of you are here about the impact that this has. It’s very far reaching.

“When you’re back on your farm tomorrow, pick up your phone to a friend, a neighbour, somebody you haven’t seen for a while and make sure they’re okay.

“Secondly, please do write to your MP. They are elected to represent you. They must have heard today the impact that this will have on you, your farms, your future, your family. We are fighting for you every single day.

“We won’t give up, the government must change course. They’ve simply got this policy wrong.

“Every meeting I go in, whether you’re an NFU member or not, I carry you into that room with me and we will do our best to fight this awful policy.”

Alamy_farmers protest rally-2YKW30W

Photograph: Ian Davidson / Alamy

Listen to Tom's speech in full below. Video courtesy of Beanstalk Global.

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19 November 2024

The day so far in pictures



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19 November 2024

Read NFU President Tom Bradshaw's speech in full

1pm: In his opening speech at the NFU's mass lobby, NFU President Tom Bradshaw warned that he had never seen the industry this angry, disillusioned and upset.

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19 November 2024

Wear your wellies

11:30am: Away from the capital, people are donning wellies in support of Britain’s farmers today.

Wolsingham School in County Durham is taking part by holding a demonstration and swapping shoes for wellies after one student took the initiative and got 100 of his fellow pupils on board.

Read more in the Northern Echo.

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19 November 2024

MP meetings underway

11am: Farmers' meetings with MPs are well underway. Today farmers will look their MP in the eyes and tell them from the heart how the changes to APR will affect farming and growing businesses.

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19 November 2024

‘This policy has to change’

10:30am: Listen to NFU President Tom Bradshaw’s update following his first speech of the day direct from Church House.

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19 November 2024

Find wellbeing support in your area

10am: We know that the last few weeks have been particularly difficult for farmers and growers.

Our health and safety team has put together a list of local and national organisations that can support you.

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19 November 2024

UK farming unions stand united

9:45pm: Tom is joined by NFU Cymru President Aled Jones, NFUS President Martin Kennedy and UFU President William Irvine.


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19 November 2024

NFU President delivers opening address

9:30am: NFU President Tom Bradshaw delivers his opening speech to a packed room of NFU members.

He says the Budget has been a “kick in the teeth” adding that “75% of commercial farm businesses are caught in the eye of the storm”.

He asks the audience to tell MPs their stories “from the heart”.

Tom thanks everyone for all the support so far, saying “this is only the start”. He receives a standing ovation as he finishes his speech.

Tom addresses the audience

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19 November 2024

‘There’s this huge sense of betrayal’

9am: BBC News are livestreaming from Church House in Westminster where the NFU’s mass lobby is shortly due to kick off.

In an interview with BBC News, NFU President Tom Bradshaw said “there’s this huge sense of betrayal”.

“The impact on people in our industry has simply not been thought through. It’s an ill-conceived policy.

“It will not deliver for the food security agenda the Prime Minister says is so important.”


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19 November 2024

How did we get here?

8:30am: As part of its Autumn Budget on 30 October, the government announced it will change the rules for IHT (Inheritance Tax), including APR (Agricultural Property Relief) and BPR (Business Property Relief) on farmland and business assets.

This means an effective tax rate of 20% on agricultural assets valued over £1 million – although there are other reliefs available that can also be used.

The new tax rules could force farmers to sell their family farms to pay the Inheritance Tax bill. This could happen even if they have worked on the farm for many years.

The Treasury has said 73% of APR claims are below £1 million and so would be unaffected by this policy. However, Defra’s figures show that only 34% of farms are under £1 million net worth.

For a quick breakdown, see NFU Director of Strategy Nick von Westenholz's thread on X:

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19 November 2024

Welcome to our live feed

8am: We'll be bringing you all the latest news and updates from the NFU's mass lobby of Parliament today. 

Not attending the mass lobby?

There are many ways you can get involved in the campaign to reverse the family farm tax:

  1. Join more than 220,000 people who have added their names to our online campaign.
  2. Use social media to explain the impact of the family farm tax on your business, tag your MP and use the hashtag #StoptheFamilyFarmTax.
  3. We welcome all members who want to come to lobby their MPs with us. If you haven't planned your MP visit yet Find your MP and arrange to see them.

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This page was first published on 19 November 2024. It was updated on 19 November 2024.

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