Media spotlight on farming at the Suffolk Show

David Exwood interviewed by ITV Anglia outside the NFU marquee

The challenges and the opportunities facing young farmers came under the spotlight at the Suffolk Show.

The NFU arranged for Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Jon Watt to speak to media outlets including BBC Radio Suffolk, BBC Look East and ITV Anglia on the first day of the show.

Journalists also interviewed NFU Deputy President David Exwood and County Chair Glenn Buckingham on this, and farming asks ahead of the general election. Challenges highlighted included weather impacts, labour shortages and fairness in the supply chain.

Jon told BBC Radio Suffolk: “It’s the most brilliant, vibrant, varied industry where you can get to do so many
different things.

“It’s going to be really difficult for young people to get into an industry where it’s not profitable. They need a stable, profitable environment to be keen to join it.”

David said: “There’s an opportunity to work in the greatest industry, producing food and working with nature, but you have to be able to take the highs and lows. That’s the tough bit.”

The media interviews were part of a busy two days at the show for the NFU, with hundreds of members visiting the NFU and NFU Mutual marquee, alongside politicians and stakeholders.

NFU Regional Director Zoe Leach said: “Shows provide a wonderful opportunity for staff to meet up with members and dignitaries alike and celebrate all that is good about our fantastic industry.”

Show season continues with events including South of England Show on 7,8 and 9 June, the Royal Norfolk Show on 26 and 27 June and Kent County Show on 5, 6 and 7 July.

View our photo gallery from the Suffolk Show.


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