National Planning Policy Framework delayed until September

17 July 2023

An aerial view of a rural landscape

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities has announced that the much-anticipated NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) will not be released until September this year.

Previously, the government had stated that spring would be the release date for the highest-level planning policy document in England.

A consultation was launched in December 2022 on a draft revision of the NPPF, which the NFU responded to. The government previously gave no timescale for release, but the revision was expected much sooner than announced.

All planning applications in England are determined according to the NPPF.

Many authorities and other bodies involved in the planning system were hoping to receive the new document as soon as possible due to the delays and uncertainty that come with expected policy changes.

Delays to planning applications

Many local authorities have now further delayed local plan examinations until after the NPPF is set to be released. Larger planning applications and strategic projects may also face delays as due to the uncertainty around how the new NPPF will impact projects.

The government has stated that a high number of consultation responses on the draft NPPF, and the desire for the new framework to be released until after the Levelling Up, and Regeneration Bill has received Royal Ascent are to blame for the delay.

System needs to work for farming

The NFU has consistently advocated for changes to the NPPF to better reflect a planning system that works for farming. Most notably, the inclusion of a weighted argument to support farming in the planning system.

The government do not reveal what will be included in the new document in advance, so it cannot be said what new policy will be included.

The new NPPF is expected to add some changes relating to agriculture, but not enough to fully support British farming.

The NFU will update members as soon as any updates are made available and will always advocate for a planning system that supports farming.

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