New market opening in US for British beef

11 July 2021

NFU livestock board chairman Richard Findlay explains how beef from the UK could be heading to America after the next step of an export deal has been agreed by government officials.

NFU livestock board chairman Richard Findlay said this is a positive step for the beef industry, especially at a time of such uncertainty about trade with the EU and the rest of the world.

The deal, which has been negotiated by Defra, AHDB and other organisations across the UK, would be worth around £66 million over the first five years.

The US beef market has been closed to UK imports due to the outbreak of BSE in the 1990s.

Richard said:

“In Britain we produce some of the most climate-friendly and safest beef in the world, produced to incredibly high welfare standards. It’s great a see a new market opening up for our products.

“This will be welcome news for livestock farmers who, with ongoing uncertainty over trade with the EU, have been unsure of where their products will be going to.

“Farmers want to make the most of this opportunity to supply one of the biggest markets in the world and we will continue to work with AHDB to ensure British beef gets the promotion it deserves.”

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