County chairmen to serve for a two-year period (2022-2024)
Cumbria & Lancashire
Council delegates to serve for a two-year period (2022-2024)
Nomination forms may be obtained from: Leanne Matthews, NFU North West, Agriculture House, 1 Moss Lane View, Skelmersdale, Lancashire WN8 9TL, by emailing at bGVhbm5lLm1hdHRoZXdzQG5mdS5vcmcudWs= or by calling 01695 554900.
Completed nomination forms must be returned to the regional office by 5pm on Thursday 28 October.
Nominations may be made up by any group of 20 fully paid-up farming members from within the respective county, or at properly constituted NFU meetings.
In the event of a single nomination, he/she will be deemed to be elected. If more than one candidate applies a postal vote will take place.
In the event of a contested election, voting papers will be mailed to NFU members registered within the relevant constituency on or before Thursday 18 November and must be received by the regional director (at the address above) no later than 5pm on Thursday 2 December.
Wednesday 8 December