NFU hosts Irish Farmers' Association on farm tour

12 June 2024

Members of the Irish Farmers' Association visited two Warwickshire farm businesses on a visit hosted ny the NFU

The NFU hosted a delegation from the IFA (Irish Farmers' Association) on a tour of farm businesses in the Midlands.

Fifty IFA members, including President Francie Gorman, made the journey across the Irish Sea for the networking and information sharing visit on Tuesday, 11 June.

They met NFU President Tom Bradshaw, Deputy President David Exwood, Vice President Rachel Hallos, NFU Director-General Terry Jones, Director of Policy Andrew Clark and Midlands members on their tour.

After viewing an anaerobic digestion plant and a mixed farm/manufacturing business in Warwickshire on an evening farm walk, the group had the chance to socialise and share information on market developments and other topics with NFU officeholders, members and directors at a barbecue.

Forging links

IFA members were greeted by NFU Midlands network manager George Bostock and Warwickshire county adviser Nick Watts.

“It was a privilege to host the IFA on-farm in Warwickshire,” said George.

“A fantastic day was had by all with plenty of links forged.”

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