NFU Labour party fringe event 2024

23 September 2024, 20:00 – 21:30

Albert 4 room, Hilton Hotel, Liverpool, 3 Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool, L1 8LW

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Please join the NFU for our fringe event at the Labour party’s conference.

Fringe events are an important part of political party conference activity and a chance for members to get involved.

We are hosting fringe events at the Conservative and Labour party conferences, bringing together a range of speakers to discuss the parties’ visions for the future of domestic food production and the policies needed to support a thriving agricultural sector.

This year’s theme is ‘How will British farming deliver Labour’s missions?’. You can see what issues were addressed by the panel, which was chaired by Will Hutton, political economist, author and columnist for the Observer, at last year’s fringe event.

The event is free and NFU members can simply turn up. There’s no need to register beforehand.

The full panel of speakers will be announced shortly.

Event details
Start Date
23 September 2024 at 20:00
End Date
23 September 2024 at 21:30

Albert 4 room, Hilton Hotel, Liverpool, 3 Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool, L1 8LW

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