The NFU held a resistance management workshop in the Autumn bringing farmers, sprayer operators, researchers, academics, manufacturers, agronomists and others together to try to understand why and where resistance had developed in Europe.
Together, all these stakeholders need to collaborate and share knowledge to prevent ( or at the least delay) resistance developing in the UK. Enhanced stewardship guidelines have been produced and can be found on the AHDB website.
Glyphosate has been around for 40 years and has become one of the most frequently used herbicides across UK crop production. Globally, over 30 weed species are believed to have developed resistance to glyphosate, although no resistant species haves been identified in the UK. High-risk practices, however, are often used which could drive the evolution of glyphosate resistance in UK weeds. In response, guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG) to help agronomists and growers maintain UK efficacy. The guidelines include four simple and key messages, supported by more detailed evidence and guidance.
Minimising the risk of glyphosate resistance - key messages
One: Prevent survivors: Avoid repeat applications to surviving plants
Two: Maximise efficacy: Apply the right dose rate (reduced rates increase the risk of reduced efficacy), at the right timing, in the right conditions
Three: Use alternatives: Use non-chemical options (such as cultivation), where practical, and use other herbicides in sequence
Four: Monitor success: Remove survivors and report potential resistance issues to your advisor and/or the product manufacturer.
The NFU will be promoting these messages at Cereals on the 13 and 14 June. Find out more about the arable event here.